Submitted by David Whish-Wilson on Mon, 16/07/2012 – 13:38

This coming Saturday (July 21) I’ll be giving, along with local writers Amanda Curtin, Richard Rossiter and Rachel Robertson, a prose fiction masterclass looking (in my case) at crime fiction structure and specifically using multiple POV’s. I ran something quite similar a couple of years ago at the PWF and it went down well. Details, along with other workshop and events @ KSP as follows:

“Learn about crime story structure and using multiple points of view. David Whish-Wilson references everything from TV series such as The Wire and Oz to Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent and the novels of George Pelecanos.”

I’m also looking forward to appearing at the Bridgetown Writers Festival the following weekend (28 July), alongside the very entertaining crime writer Felicity Young, who I interviewed at the PWF earlier this year (specifically about her new novel A Dissection of Murder. Details of Words in the Valley – the Bridgetown Writers Festival can be found here –